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Mencegah File Autorun Dengan Cara Manual

Mencegah File Autorun Dengan Cara Manual
Mencegah File Autorun Dengan Cara Manual
Mencegah File Autorun Dengan Cara Manual - Virus Autorun.inf adalah virus yang biasanya menyerang komputer / laptop melalui media CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, Flash Disk (USB). Biasanya virus ini membentuk shortcut yang kalau dibiarkan akan sangat memberatkan komputer, karena jika shortcut tersebut berkembang biak di komputer / laptop tersebut akan menyebabkan besarnya space HardDisk komputer menjadi cepat penuh, terlebih lagi akan membuat CPU Usage 100%. Berikut langkah-langkah untuk mencegah virus membuat file Autorun.inf. Contoh ini dilakukan di USB atau Flash Disk, bisa juga Anda menggunakan cara ini pada HardDisk portabel Anda.

  • Membuat folder Autorun.inf. Pilih (klik) pada drive flash disk / hard disk portabel Anda, lalu klik new folder. 
Mencegah File Autorun Dengan Cara Manual
  • Beri nama folder tersebut dengan Autorun.inf.
Mencegah File Autorun Dengan Cara Manual

  • Beberapa virus komputer akan berusaha menghapus folder Autorun.inf. Untuk mencegah aksi virus tersebut, buatlah file teks menggunakan editor Notepad. Klik Start, pilih Run, pada kolom Run ketik tulisan Notepad dan tekan Enter.
Mencegah File Autorun Dengan Cara Manual
Mencegah File Autorun Dengan Cara Manual
  • Selanjutnya buka Character Map yang terdapat di menu: Start - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Character Map 

Mencegah File Autorun Dengan Cara Manual
Mencegah File Autorun Dengan Cara Manual

  • Pada Character Map, pilih beberapa karakter dari jenis huruf (font) unicode, seperti Arial Unicode. Pilih (double klik) beberapa karakter yang Anda inginkan, lalu klik Copy

Mencegah File Autorun Dengan Cara Manual
Mencegah File Autorun Dengan Cara Manual

  • Kembali ke Notepad, klik menu File, lalu pilih Paste, atau dapat juga menggunakan tombol keyboard Ctrl + V, sehingga terlihat deretan karakter unicode.

Mencegah File Autorun Dengan Cara Manual
Mencegah File Autorun Dengan Cara Manual

  • Simpan menggunakan menu Save As, lalu letakkan file pada folder Autorun.inf di flash disk atau hard disk portabel Anda. Beri nama file menggunakan karakter unicode atau cara mudahnya paste (Ctrl + V) pada kolom File Name. Pastikan pada kolom Encoding diisi dengan pilihan unicode. Selanjutnya pilih tombol Save.

Mencegah File Autorun Dengan Cara Manual
Mencegah File Autorun Dengan Cara Manual

  • Setelah selesai, dalam folder Autorun.inf pada flash disk Anda akan terlihat file yang berupa karakter unicode tersebut.

Mencegah File Autorun Dengan Cara Manual
Mencegah File Autorun Dengan Cara Manual

  • Untuk mengamankan folder Autorun.inf, ubah di bagian properties menjadi Read Only dan Hidden. Lalu tekan Apply dan Ok.
Mencegah File Autorun Dengan Cara Manual
Mencegah File Autorun Dengan Cara Manual
Saat ini Anda telah memiliki folder Autorun.inf di flash disk / hard disk portabel Anda yang berfungsi untuk mencegah aksi virus tersebut. Sering-seringlah berkunjung ke blog sofian555, agar saya dapat memberikan tips anti virus yang lebih mantap lagi :)

Advanced System Care Full Version

ASC Full Version
Advanced System Care Full VersionAdvanced SystemCare 6 PRO provides automated and all-in-one PC care service with Malware Removal, Registry Fix, Privacy Protection, Performance Tune-up, and System Cleaning capabilities. It also creates superior and safer online experience with the latest Surfing Protection and Internet Boost technology, ensuring you top online security and maximum PC performance.

Features Advanced SystemCare Pro

  • Scan and remove spyware and adware with the latest definition
  • Prevent spyware, hijackers and bad websites from being installed
  • Erase the history of all activities in your computer
  • Scan and fix invalid and improper registry entries
  • Detect and remove invalid startup items
  • Search and Clean up unused Windows garbage
  • Repair system configurations, Eliminate System Bottlenecks and Prevent Crashes
  • Tune up Windows to improve both system and Internet performance, unleash the power of your Windows
  • Analyze and Show detailed information of hardware and Windows
  • Finish all Work with one click, Super Easy to Use

Change log Advanced SystemCare Pro

  • Improved Malware Removal for safer protection
  • Improved algorithm for faster and deeper scanning in Shortcut Fixer, Cloned Files Scanner, and Disk Explorer
  • Improved Surfing Protection for safer online surfing and searching
  • Improved Privacy Sweep for better securtiy
  • Improved Driver Manager for better hard drive performance
  • Added more supported languages
  • Fixed bugs in previous version

Download Advanced System Care
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Download Movie Man Of Steel Free

Man Of Steel
Man Of Steel
Man of Steel - is a 2013 American superhero film directed by Zack Snyder, produced by Christopher Nolan, and scripted by David S. Goyer. Based on the DC Comics character Superman, the film is a reboot of the Superman film series that portrays the character's origin story. The film stars Henry Cavill in the title role with Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Michael Shannon as General Zod, Diane Lane as Martha Kent, Kevin Costner as Jonathan Kent, Laurence Fishburne as Perry White, and Russell Crowe as Jor-El. Man of Steel is intended to launch a shared fictional universe of DC Comics characters on film.
Development began in 2008 when Warner Bros. Pictures took pitches from comic book writers, screenwriters and directors, opting to reboot the franchise. In 2009, a court ruling resulted in Jerry Siegel's family recapturing the rights to Superman's origins and Siegel's copyright. The decision stated that Warner Bros. did not owe the families additional royalties from previous films, but if they did not begin production on a Superman film by 2011, then the Shuster and Siegel estates would be able to sue for lost revenue on an unproduced film. 
Man Of Steel
Man Of Steel
Nolan pitched Goyer's idea after story discussion on The Dark Knight Rises, and Snyder was hired as the film's director in October 2010. Principal photography started in August 2011 in West Chicago, Illinois, before moving to Vancouver and Plano, Illinois.

Video Trailer

Size : 600MB, duration:02:12:39, avg.bitrate:631KB/S
Audio: aac, 24000 Hz, stereo, s16
Video: h264, yuv420p, 720×272, 29.97 fps(r)

Download Movie Man Of Steel

Termio Blogger Template

Termio Blogger Template
Termio Blogger Template
Termio Blogger Template - this templates very beautifully, seo friendly, fast loading, 1 Sidebar, 2 Column, 3 Column footer, Adapted from WordPress, Blue, Elegant, Featured Section, Fixed width, Fresh, Grey, Magazine, Premium, Right Sidebar, Slider, Tabbed widget, Top Navigation Bar, Web 2.0, White. I think that this template is suitable for you for video enthusiasts. If you want this template, please download the template :) 

  • Configure Favicon
Login to your blogger dashboard - layout - edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see below code : 
<link href='Favicon URL' rel='shortcut icon' type='image/vnd.microsoft.icon'/>

  • Configure Featured Content Slider
Login to your blogger dashboard - layout - edit HTML. Find <!-- Featured Content Slider Started -->. Now scroll down slowly and you can see each featured slide codes between <div class='fp-slides-items'> and </div> .

Now Replace :
  • "This is default featured post X title" with your featured post title.
  • "#" with your featured post URL.
  • "Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.
  • Slider image address with your slider image.
For each featured slider.

  • Configure Change Tab Names of Tab Widget
Find the script (Ctrl + F), for like this:

<ul class='tabs-widget tabs-widget-widget-themater_tabs-1432447472-id'>

<li><a href='#widget-themater_tabs-1432447472-id1'>Popular</a></li>

<li><a href='#widget-themater_tabs-1432447472-id2'>Tags</a></li>

<li><a href='#widget-themater_tabs-1432447472-id3'>Blog Archives</a></li>


  • Configure Meta Tags
Login to your blogger dashboard - layout - edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see below code :

<meta content='Description Here' name='description'/>

<meta content='Keywords Here' name='keywords'/>

Replace Description: Write your blog description

            &Keywords: Write the keywords of your blog separated

Tutorial Download:
  • Download file & extract here to your desktop
  • And then upload file Termio Blogger Template (.xml document - 274kb) to your blog
  • Go to template - then click "Backup / Restore" 
  • Choose file - Upload
  • Enjoy :)

Download Termio Blogger Template



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