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Info Kinjutsu Shield Bash Plus Ninja Saga: Bashing the oppenent  with the shield of justice, enemy's positive status will be removed when hit and stun for 2 turn.
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What Is Seo Blog?

What Is Seo Blog?
What Is Seo Blog? - Previously we first understand about SEO. SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ) is the process of improving / optimizing the amount of visitors to the blog / website with a way to rank higher on search engine results pages index ( SERP ) . The higher SERP , the greater the likelihood the amount of visitors . It would be very rare visitor search engine to browse page by page search engine . So , the webmaster flocked to competition and fighting over there on the main page for the search engines . While the other terms of SEO ( Search Engine Optimizer ) , is the perpetrator , tools , and elements that can help increase SERP rankings blog / website .
SEO Blog
Each blog / website has elements , the template / theme , basic code , and various other elements that vary so improve SEO efforts were not exactly the same . For example , WordPress has the basic elements of PHP , HTML , JavaScript , and CSS . In addition it also comes with many WordPress SEO plugin is ready to be used to maximize the results on search engines . Blogspot has the basic elements of HTML , Javascript , and CSS , which of course has a flaw . Although we can use Javascript berbasic SEO plugin , but I did not see any significant effect . The surplus , at Blogspot we can modify / hack with no limits either on design blogs and in increasing its SEO .


  • Select the template that is SEO friendlyA blog layout design can have advantages and disadvantages . On the one hand , a display template / theme looks great , but in terms of SEO can be weak , or vice versa . Therefore , choose a Blogger template that is SEO friendly . Currently available have many premium quality free blogger templates that have been inserted hack SEO . If it is ' already dear ' and want to keep using the old template , do the following from the second step .
  • Put meta tags in blogThere are many types of meta tags , the most commonly used is the meta description , which contains a description of your blog / website and meta key , which contains keywords related to the content of your blog / website . There are also meta author , which contains the author's name or the name of the institution / company , but rarely used . And many more other meta - meta .
  • Maximize your keywords in the title / blog titleCompacting titles with targeted keywords can increase the density of keywords ( keyword density) of a blog . On blogspot , edit the title via the Dashboard > Design / Design > Click edit in the header , content with the title you want and save .
  • Put the title of the post in front of the name of the blogIn the Blogger template that has not been hacked in the content , usually the name of the blog is in front of the post title . To check, open a post page and look at the tabs and bar on the browser . Look at what is in front of the name of the blog and the post title in one after another . On the results of the search engines index , it can reduce the accuracy and density of keywords and the title cut at the back post . Moreover, if the post title is very long . So visitors do not understand the whole point .
  • Maximize solid and effective keywords in blog postThis is not meant to make keywords as much , but set the location / position of the keyword , using the right keywords and phrases , and do not use too many words rambling . For example , avoid words like this : " In the post this time ... " , and others.
  • Speed ​​up loading time ( load time ) blogGoogle also impose a penalty on a blog / website that is too heavy and long to load . This is logical , because the time required by a spider while crawling and collecting information to be longer. The things that hinder loading blogs / websites usually are : too many javascript files ( usually in the widget ) and too besarrnya image files . Visitors also will certainly hassle of having to wait a long loading , especially for a slow internet connection .
  • Accelerate the process of search engine indexes the blogIndices are quick to point out that the blog was recognized by search engines . This is of course accelerate SEO a post because we do not need to wait for a long time and visitors can quickly find it on the search engines . Although this is not a guarantee that the article post is in the main index page , but this is the first step of the SEO process itself.
  • Nofollow - right labels Blogger ( optional )In the article Understanding Characteristics and How to Optimize Blogger Label , I explained that the label is actually a url search commands (eg his url : http://sofian555.blogspot.com/search/label/favicon ) , then the label is not a permanent link ( permalink ) . Why ? Because the label is only formed as a result of the search url command ( for example like seach engine search url ) . Therefore , search engines do not take into account the label as a link / url valid for indexed . That's why when you go into Google Webmaster Tools , there is information that the links in the label -restricted by robots.txt . Her step -kan nofollow tag is optional , you can try to find out the effect even further .
  • Link building effectively replyLink building is the most important point in SEO . Link building is the process of creating inbound links ( links that point to your blog / website ) , which is getting backlinks from blog / website . Can do link building in many ways , namely : making good with reciprocal link directory / social bookmarking ( which requires reciprocal link ) or exchange links with your blog / website , register your blog and articles to social bookmarking / directory , and comment on blog / website another by leaving a link in the form commentators , this method is commonly known as blogwalking , though then somewhat misinterpreted by leaving comments include, " blogwalking ! ", and others. Berkomentarlah appropriate because it shows the quality content and I also looked at the tables . Do not forget , there are links and anchor text in the comments , and I noticed when crawling .

Simple & Bright Blogger Template

Simple & Bright Blogger Template
Simple & Bright Blogger Template - this templates very beautifully, seo friendly, fast loading, 1 Sidebar, 2 Column, 4 Column footer, Adapted from WordPress, Elegant, Featured Section, Fixed width, Fresh, Magazine, Premium, Red, Right Sidebar, Rounded corners, Slider, Top Navigation Bar, Web 2.0, White

Configure Favicon

Login to your blogger dashboard - layout - edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see below code: 
<link href='Favicon URL' rel='shortcut icon' type='image/vnd.microsoft.icon'/>

Configure Featured Content Slider

Login to your blogger dashboard - layout - edit HTML. Find <!-- Featured Content Slider Started -->. Now scroll down slowly and you can see each featured slide codes between <div class='fp-slides-items'> and </div> .

Now Replace:
  • "This is default featured post X title" with your featured post title.
  • "#" with your featured post URL.
  • "Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.
  • Slider image address with your slider image.
For Each Featured Slider

Configure Change Tab Names of Tab Widget

Find the script (Ctrl + F), for like this:
<ul class='tabs-widget tabs-widget-widget-themater_tabs-1432447472-id'>
<li><a href='#widget-themater_tabs-1432447472-id1'>Popular</a></li>
<li><a href='#widget-themater_tabs-1432447472-id2'>Tags</a></li>
<li><a href='#widget-themater_tabs-1432447472-id3'>Blog Archives</a></li>

Configure Meta Tags

Login to your blogger dashboard - layout - edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see below code :

<meta content='Description Here' name='description'/>
<meta content='Keywords Here' name='keywords'/>

Replace Description: Write your blog description

            &Keywords: Write the keywords of your blog separated

Tutorial Download

  • Download file & extract here to your desktop
  • And then upload file Simple & Bright Blogger Template (.xml document - 298kb) to your blog
  • Go to template - then click "Backup / Restore" 
  • Choose file - Upload
  • Enjoy :)
Download Simple & Bright Blogger Template

Keep Visit: www.sofian555.blogspot.com

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Bomber Mario For PC Full Version
Bomber Mario For PC Free - This game is a game of light Media Contact LLC. This game has a mission to kill the enemy in the form of a turtle with a way to put the bomb could have killed him. But be careful, lest we put bombs injure ourselves. 
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Use the keys to control Mario movements and hits the spacebar to drop your bomb. Watch out for those sinister Koopa Turtles, let off a bomb before the attact on you and you will lose a life . With a bit of luck and a lot of skill you will find your way out of this endless acrade labyrinth .
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