Following 6 basic tips Google Adsense
- Choosing the best ad layout - Plenty of choices of places to put ads on your blog, but of the many decent places for advertisements must be the best position. Over the years most of the blog visitors have gotten used to read in the middle of the page and to avoid side as this is usually where the ads attached For this reason, you want to lead Google Adsense ads into the middle of the page in the center of the blog content.
- Ads indefinitely - For one reason or another most successful Adsense users reported a sharp increase in their click after removing the borders of their ads. Of course now we know the reason for this is to make the Adsense ads look more natural and blend so it looks like the actual ad so not disguise or blurring between advertising and content.
- Use the right ad format - Once you get set-up with Adsense account, may have a different ad formats. others. most people will start to use Leaderboard (728 × 90) or skyscrapper Width (160 × 600) and the majority of these people eventually quit before they see their first check. But the ad dsarnya Large Rectangle (336 × 280) is a format that generates the most clicks. of any format.
- Selecting font ad on topic and your blog template - The main thing that a visitor clicks on an ad is clearly seen and easily accessible position in advertising your blog through simple navigation was more than enough.
- The basis of all is none - Other Adsense tips to make your blog as an information provider and satisfy all visitors, so original and quality content is mandatory, and all through the process and takes time.
- Color Matching Ads alias blended your adsense ads - This may seem trap but in a subtle way and also respectable so that visitors feel really eager to find information through our advertisements.